- The following conditions rule over the execution of the event individualized as “South America Business Forum's 19th edition” (from now onwards referred as the “SABF”), which will take place at the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (from now onwards referred as the “ITBA”), from July 28th to July 30th, 2023.
- The event consists of a conference whose participants are university students or recent graduates, both from Argentina and abroad, in accordance to the conditions exhibited on SABF's web page. Those responsible for the organization of the event are all ITBA regular students (from now onwards referred as the “Organizing Team”).
- The SABF is a non profit event. Its objective is to create a space for debate and exchange of ideas so that both participants and the community are benefited.
- By completing the registration form, the participant accepts the terms and conditions detailed in this document as a whole.
- Those interested in being part of the SABF must not only complete the necessary Personal Information required in the registration form, but also write a discussion which should include their opinion regarding one of the topics suggested by the organizing team. These can be found on the official website (www.sabf.org.ar).
- Discussions presented by the participants must be original and of their own autorship, specifically quoting the sources used, and respecting the valid norm regarding intellectual property.
- Once the discussion is submitted, a selection progress held by an independent jury, composed by professionals from different areas, will begin.
- The jury will proceed with the correction, which will be based on the criteria provided by the Organizing Team. The maximum time which will be devoted to the correction of the discussions is 30 days from the day the application period ends.
- Each applicant will be notified of the results from the selection process through the email address provided on the application form, during the first weeks of July 2023.
- The Organizing team can disqualify the application of any applicant who doesn't honor what was stipulated in clause 6. This decision is not subject to complaints from the applicant.
- The Organizing Team is allowed to take the necessary actions in case of a violation of the rights of intellectual property.
- The decisions taken during the selection, based on the Jury's corrections, will be conducted by the Organizing Team, according to merits and diversity criteria. These decisions will be unappealable.
- All answers and personal information of each participant can be shared to our Supporters according to what was established between them and the organizing team.
- The application period in which personal information and discussions can be submitted begins February 11th, 2023 at 00:00 GMT-3 and ends on April 16th, 2023 at 23:59 GMT-3. From that time onwards, no application will be taken into account.
- Official notifications regarding the event will be published on the official website (www.sabf.org.ar) and/or on the official SABF Facebook Page. Notifications personally directed to the applicant will be sent to the email address provided by the applicant in the corresponding form.
- The Organizing Team reserves the right to make any changes in the organization of the event if any unforeseen situations occur. These decisions are unique and indisputable.
Applicable law. - The present conditions are subject to laws from the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.